Donate now to support Remington College's students and institutional advancement initiatives.
Help support our goal as a non-profit college of reducing student out-of-pocket tuition expenses through scholarship funds, improving access to academic opportunities, and improving our communities through technical education.
Help us fulfill our mission.
The mission of Remington College is to contribute to the public good by providing relevant, career-focused education designed and intended to help students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and abilities necessary for successful entry into their chosen career fields. Remington College believes that a well-educated workforce contributes to the economic and social vibrancy of the diverse communities in which its students, faculty, and staff live. To accomplish its mission, Remington College is committed to providing a caring learning environment in which a technically rich, intellectually stimulating, quality education is delivered by a dedicated faculty and staff.
Further, as a private, non-profit institution, Remington College started this fundraising campaign to raise institutional scholarship funds that directly support students with unmet tuition and to raise institutional advancement funds that help us fulfill our mission to provide technical educational and support the communities serve.